
Meet Our Team#

Elayna Berry Hashani DeSilva Jason Day

Regork’s Opportunity#

Regork has compiled data around campaigns, transactions, coupon redemption, and customers. We believe Regork can increase the effectiveness of their campaigns through identifying the most effective campaign for the right customer, at the right time. Improving the efficiency of campaigns helps to first lift sales, but campaigns also help build brand awareness and customer loyalty. By optimizing our campaign schedule, we believe Regork will see a higher return on investment.

For this project we used the completejourney data to answer our business problem. The data available on transactions, demographics, products and campaigns were combined to create one large data frame. Our group determined the campaigns that generate the highest revenue by finding the sum of sales for each campaign. We will discuss our findings in the Exploratory Data and Summary Sections.


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Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.9.13
IPython version      : 7.31.1

jupyterlab: 3.4.4